Our story
For over thirty years families in the Pacific Northwest have made Stocker Farms a destination farm every summer and fall. The “Big Red Barn” has become your Family Adventure Farm for the month of October. We are pleased and honored to welcome a second generation of parents bringing their children out to the farm to pick pumpkins just like they used to in the good ol’ days.
As 4th & 5th generation farmers in Snohomish, we along with our sons & many farm team members are grateful to carry on the Stocker tradition of farming. The current farm was started by Keith’s Grandpa Ed in 1919 when he came of age and struck out on his own by moving down the road one mile from his parents who were the first Stockers in Snohomish. Grandpa Ed & Grandma Sara raised a family including Keith’s now deceased Dad – Ed Jr.. Ed and Ed ran a successful dairy until Highway 9 was built and went right through the middle of their largest barn. That did not stop them from farming; they swiftly began growing row crops and sweet corn. When Keith was a kid, he fondly remembers sitting on the tailgate of his Grandpa’s truck selling corn and using a cigar box to make change.
Keith’s parent’s Ed & Edith started a roadside stand in 1983 at the end of the same driveway where Keith sold corn as a boy. They sold sweet corn, vegetable crops and a crop they did not know was going make Snohomish famous - Pumpkins! The now closed Country Market grew from that same spot at the end of the driveway.
The number of families that came in the fall for pumpkins kept growing and growing until we did not have enough room anymore at the Country Market so in 2000, we moved west across Highway 9 to where the old dairy farm had been. With plenty of land and excitement we hurled ourselves into making a Family Adventure Farm for you, complete with a “Big Red Barn.”
Please come “Enjoy More Family Time” on our farm in the beautiful Snohomish Valley.
Besides having fun, we want families to become involved with agriculture by seeing and experiencing where their food comes from. How is this possible? Take an adventure out to our farm - pick pumpkins, squash & blueberries, walk through a field of corn, see the weeds that grow with the pumpkins, see sunflowers standing tall, and look up to realize you are standing in the middle of the Snohomish Valley surrounded by farmland, foothills and the Cascade Mountains.
This story would not be complete without giving much heartfelt credit to all the wonderful people who work with us on the farm and have worked with us in the past. Each of you are an important part of the farm and we could not do it without you.
Thank you for keeping our family farming this piece of farmland since 1919.
It is our pleasure to host you and your family….
Keith & Janet Stocker and the wonderful Stocker Farms Team